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Pointy Hats & Holy Places

In my teenage years, I had a spiritually unhealthy and unbiblical habit of seeing other Christians as vastly holier with a reach so close to God it was palpable! Whether in my church or a friend’s across town, everyone appeared so much closer to God and heaven than I could muster up within myself.

Throughout the ages, we can see (and hear) those fixed images and sounds of HOLINESS with lofty and grand visuals that include (but are not limited to):

Tall and magnificent pointy hats of popes throughout time - the higher the better!

Historical paintings of Jesus still on the cross - stripped of resurrection power!

The roaring voice of Billy Graham - bouncing off stadium walls!

Church buildings high and mighty - attendees holy upon entry!

Michaelangelo’s painting of God in The Creation of Adam - oh so close!

This idea that anyone holds a place of holiness parallel to Jesus (or just under) still permeates throughout minds and churches across the country. The detrimental issue here is that it can create “religiosity” in individuals seeking to make their good works an apparent manifestation of holiness without the Holy Spirit’s teaching.

The Bible says plainly, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. We’re all on the same playing field while no one is elevated above another in godly holiness.

Sadly, other spiritual disciplines like Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and even New Age (philosophy), get folks roped into the idea that they need a guru or some sort of Spiritual Master to soar to HIGHER spiritual or holy ground. Any so-called “spiritual superior” is still merely a man or woman like the rest of us!

This FACT is unchanging no matter how many pointy hats, long robes, or long prayers attempt to show HOLINESS apart from the actual heart. The Bible teaches the true nature of mankind and sheds a "white hot spotlight" on every high spiritual concocted charade.

This verse says it ALL:

“Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.” Luke 20:46-47.

Yes, pointy hats are conspicuously absent here. But, we see the pretense in the outward appearances of those who strive to LOOK holy and insist to anyone in earshot that they indeed are! How humbling is the verse in Luke when laid out for us to see in plain sight?

Yep, there are those still in practice today where holy garments separate US from THEM. God instituted priestly garments when establishing His people (Israel) in the Old Testament. However, when Jesus arrived, He brought salvation (and holiness) to would-be believers who would gladly live set-apart lives because of great love for Him!

There was no need for outward holy appearances by way of “mad hatters” everywhere in the Holy Land! What a sight it must have been to see the humility of believers content with what God had bestowed upon them while living amongst the Pharisees - set apart (Holy) indeed!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was focused on the heart. We see in Scripture His ACTION fueled by LOVE - that is, sacrificial, kind, patient, unending, and so much more. We never see an emphasis on pointy hats, long robes, jewels, or any other physical raiment indicating a HIGH HOLINESS from the outward appearance after salvation (other than respectable and modest attire).

Remember the Apostles who were instructed NOT to bring a second set of clothing on their missions. “Take no bag for the road, or a second tunic, or sandals, or staff; for the worker is worthy of his provisions.” Matthew 10:10. God would supply all their needs, especially material things; there was no need to fear for lack of clothing. Clothing (and buildings) weren't indicative as holy with Jesus.

So the pointier the hat or higher the steeple, we aren't established with any outward appeal for mercy and grace with God. He sees the heart above the hat!


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