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The Shame Game

Not long ago, I had social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. But just one unfortunate incident changed it all in an instant.

In an attempt to clean out my garage, I decided to use Facebook's local Buy Nothing Sell Nothing group to unload the majority of things I didn't want to sell. This went back to a verse in Scripture that resonated profoundly in my heart, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7. Even with the temptation to make some revenue, I decided to go down the "give with no regret" route plus, God knew my heart. Giving in that Biblical way made me feel energized and satisfied beyond words. And, it literally freed me from the confines of checks and balances.

I posted (online) an array of items in "mint" condition still considered desirable in home decor as well as other home essentials. There were Moroccan pillows and throws, books, and kitchen gadgets to name a few. So being completely unencumbered about the upcoming transactions with strangers, online the items went!

Immediately, people messaged me with their "hands-up-pick-me" approach. Ill-prepared, I quickly chose folks on a first-come first-served basis. Oh, this was brilliant - no struggles, no squabbles, no worries! Uh, reality check, please!

After finally figuring out all the logistics, I was ready to answer all those messages for FREEBIES.

A woman, who seemed innocuous, chimed in first for the pillows. Already, I had several stuffed into a very large heavy-weight garbage bag and ready to go. She stated she was unable to do the pick-up, so I offered delivery to her apartment. We agreed on a time, so off I went.

When I arrived, I entered through an unsecured gate and then quickly realized I didn’t have her apartment number from the messages on the group post. But, I had her phone number and dialed it immediately. There was no answer. I tried again, no answer. I left a message and then waited a few minutes for a call back but none came. I had no alternative but to either drive home with the pillows or leave them with her name on the bag in a covered breezeway. I decided there was no harm in leaving the bag and then letting her know exactly where it was located in the complex.

When I arrived home from the delivery, I checked the Buy Nothing Sell Nothing group because I had other people making arrangements for pick-ups at my home. What I saw in the group message, from this “innocuous” woman, floored me. She did her best to publicly shame and then humiliate me for doing such a heinous act and for having the audacity of leaving the pillows some distance from her unit. It was almost like a game of relishing the potential of crushing me. My only response to her, via group message was, “Wow.” And, that was it. She and I would never cross paths again.

Where I failed was highlighting her need for a Savior. It was a missed opportunity to share the Gospel in a loving and kind way leaving all the trappings of online revenge and hatred in the dust. Was this a test from God?

There were so many things I could have said and done Biblically, but I chose to disengage with the group altogether and not look back. In my shock, the "fight or flight" instincts drove this decision in the heat of the moment. I never forgot it and, to this day, it created a barrier to do public giveaways that could have helped so many people.

In salvation, God says this:

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 26:36.

This is absolute TRUTH when we humble ourselves and ask God for what our hearts lack. I wanted to have joy in giving, and that hasn't changed. But, I allowed someone to snatch that joy (temporarily) and change the course of my online giving through community groups.

God still puts an abundant amount of opportunities for giving right in front of me. And, it never ceases to amaze me how He has overhauled my heart to bring such fun, joy, and satisfaction in giving. In life, there are givers and takers. Quite possibly, some takers can’t understand the joy of giving nor do they see a blessing from God in a garbage bag full of pillows.


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