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Christ in Poetry

by Suzette Lipford 

Every Morning

Every morning the sun shines in my room. 

It floods the space and takes the place of dark and utter gloom. 

The Bible says, “God is light; there is no dark at all.”

So be steadfast and make the ask, cling to His gracious call. 

Every morning, the path is clear, His presence fills my heart.
The prayers go up, I fill my cup, and what a lovely start! 

Then scripture’s read, and then I’m fed with God’s sweet daily bread.  

The blessing’s here, contentment’s near, and then I know no fear. 

So live it out and have no doubt; be in His love and be devout. 

“I gave you my begotten Son.” 

And we know, the only One. 

He bought the saints with blood and pain. 

Which makes us saved and without stain! 

The Star from Afar 

There was a time, that in my mind, I felt God from afar. 

But then one day, He showed the way with one bright shining star. 

An eastern star, with faith so great as wise men came to bring,

The baby there would one day be our Savior and our King. 

We take this story, in His glory and drink the blessings in, 

For one day soon, the blood maroon will only be a win. 

Death is no more, upon the shore of heaven and of Him.

Upon the throne, He has shown a Light that is not dim. 

Now take this tale and please prevail in all your Godly ways,

Say AMEN and then begin to pray for all your days. 

He fights for us, then dies for us, so grateful all are we

To shed the weight of sin so great is all that we can be. 

And in our love, we show it bright the same star from afar, 

That pointed us to Him so near that close is where we are. 

Death Lost

Not everyone has strength to live, 

And living feels like loss.

When God comes down, 

And faith abounds,

A blessing from the cross. 

He fills our minds with love so grand,

We hardly take it in.

Then in His words from Psalms so sweet,

His angels guard within. 

The cross does bear the strength we need 

To get through all our days,

And Christ is here within our hearts

To guide us in our ways. 

So be at peace and love your God, 

He will not fail you now. 

His Son shows love through death so dear

That life is what we’ll vow. 


You know the One who’s there for you but rarely do you speak.

Is the blame on the shame of one that is too weak? 

Are you filled with dread so deep as if you were to drown? 

When speaking of the Gospel truth, it points your spirit down. 

You feel the zeal at times so rare you wonder what to think,

Is the Spirit really there to aid before you sink?

Cry out to God and ask for help, His grace is large and wide. 

Open your heart with ears to hear, 

The truth you cannot hide. 

Lukewarm, God warned, is not the place in which you want to be,

Cold or hot, that’s the spot of pro-duc-tivity. 

Repent, believe and shake the ground of unbelief inside,

Grasp God’s Word of righteousness and ever do abide. 

A New Heart

For one so sad and seems so lost,

To take the heart from cold and frost. 

Pray that He would grant you grace, 

To put you in His awesome race. 

He warms the heart to flesh from stone,

Then promises, “You’re not alone!” 

This is the work of God’s great love,

To give the faith sent from above.

In spirit and in faith so true,

God offers life afresh and new. 

So put your trust in Christ’s great act,

And set your heart upon this fact. 

Repent and turn your life from sin, 

Then wait to see new life begin. 


There was a time when I could find no reason to believe,

I tried and tried with all my might,

But nothing to perceive. 

There was no Bible that I read, 

So all I know is what was said,

To those who did not know the Christ,

They made Him into someone nice. 

So when I finally read God’s word, this is what I thought I heard. 

The harshness of His words did pierce into my mind and heart so fierce. 

That’s a promise that He makes, that to the bone is where it takes. 

Then He said we must be born but not of flesh, yes He did warn. 

The Spirit and of water now, we must be born-again - that’s how. 

His blood and sacrifice is done, “It is finished!” and He’s won.

The enemy will never stand, against what God has always planned.

From Genesis until the End, I found the truth in love, dear friend. 

Equipped (The Armor of God)

When you know the LORD so sweet, 

A place to be just at His feet,

Is the excellence so pure,

To have the helmet that is sure. 

Salvation brings a sense of calm,

To know the truth about his palm,

That He gave us all we need,

The grace sufficient from His bleed. 

And to know the sword so swift, 

Precision in its righteousness, 

To wield it right, a fatal blow,

To unclean spirits that should know,

That God will have great victory,

On the cross at Calvary! 

The shield of faith we carry strong,

And with the belt of truth along,

Believers are the warriors here,

To God’s great glory, that is clear!   

The Gospel brings great peace to those,

Who know the place where waters flow.

He is the river that we need, 

Where springs of life for us do feed. 

23rd Psalm Believed  

My prayers were heard for days on end, He showed His care and love to send. 

He is my Shepherd - strength unbreakable

And in that truth, I am unshakeable.   

With vast green fields that seem to stretch just enough for Him to catch

And lay me down by waters still and bring great peace by His will. 

He leads me into depths so deep,

But makes a place where I won’t weep. 

I am secure for His name’s sake, and in that space, I cannot break. 

He brings the comfort so sublime, and only is it in His time,

That we can have a soul so sure, and by His Son whose love is pure. 

Genesis to Revelation 

In the Garden, we can see the seed of God’s great victory! 

It is true that in the fall, God had a plan to catch us all. 

Through Christ, He’s there in all His glory, and all the Bible tells His story. 

From Genesis to Revelation, the Lamb of God is His great station. 

He made a way, a bridge to Him and we thus strive from limb to limb. 

But in belief, He states our case, we need not work our way to grace. 

And as we move from book to book, we journey through - a closer look.

The prophets tell of future things, and in His Son, salvation brings

A love so deep and quite intense that what we know, it all makes sense. 

A faith more precious, bricks of gold, the weight contains a love so bold. 

The love that is from Christ the Son, is promised in His suffering. 

From old to new, we see another, from sometimes gray to technicolor. 

The Gospel is the open door to bridge God’s love at its core

To go to life from death is sure when we believe and then endure.

My Salvation Poem
In despair, I went there, that maybe God had sensed,  

My plea was real, to make a deal that help would be dispensed. 

So to the throne, I went alone and hoped for one big miracle,

To save my soul was the goal; it had to be empirical. 

The doubts were there, but in His care, He brought to life a vision

And what I saw would be the draw to knowing His provision. 

The words were bright, in neon light, and clearly did I see,

“Jesus is my Lord and Savior” glaring back at me. 

So to His book, I took a look to test the Spirit’s message

To my surprise, it was no lie, the words were true to leverage.  

The miraculous thing that God did bring was answered prayer indeed,

The desperate plea with no more need but saved by grace was my creed!  

A Simple Prayer

I said a simple prayer tonight, 

Long words do not impress. 

The thoughts were deep and lovingly

With hope that Thee would bless. 

At times I don’t know what to pray, 

But know the Spirit will. 

He speaks for me and pleads for me,

My soul from haste to still.

You hear my cries into the night,

As life seems so unsure.

And then I know You’re capable,

The One and Only Cure. 

Jesus Christ is in my heart,

My spirit seeks His grace,

He promises the ultimate

He came to take my place. 

My sins were great, and I came late

To His calling sure,

I heard His voice within God’s word,

The Shepherd makes me pure. 

The Vinedresser

Are you being pruned today or are you being scolded?

Do you know the difference as we’re being molded? 

He takes the care we need in Him to nourish His great vine.

He’ll cut us back so we won’t lack, He knows we’ll be just fine.

But when we step right out of place, and know it’s something wrong,

He’ll deal with us and heal in us, we know where we belong. 

He wants the fruit to bloom in us as we tell our story,

We have the joy and righteousness but only to His glory.

The love we have within our hearts is something that He gave, 

It shows the fruit that we did bear and that we will behave. 

His love for us comes through the vine and in the branches wide,

But for the ones who kick the goads, He surely will divide. 

So be of cheer and take good notes, God is our Father now. 

We know His cuts are deep enough, but from our hearts, we’ll bow. 

The Protector

Did you know that God will go great lengths and that He’ll mention, 

To do a thing that faith will bring your life to full attention. 

And when you strive to then arrive at danger’s door unlocked

You think it’s safe so percolate, but God made sure you’re blocked. 

You want your way, but you will pay when God is pushed aside.

And then you’ll find a hole so deep because that fall was pride. 

He’d rather see you halfway whole than to see you reach your goal

Of putting off the cloak of good and doing what you ought not should. 

One eye out and one arm lost, to get to heaven, that’s the cost. 

So if you walk into the fire, just know God who does not tire

Of taking you from hurt to healed, and in His love you’re surely sealed. 


Here on Earth, you are the visitor,  

Now questions come, sincere inquisitor. 

God wrote His Words in which to show

You all the things you did not know. 

And as you read from book to book,

You took a microscopic look. 

From the start God created,

And in time, He concentrated 

On your home that He would give

By Christ’s own life, so you could live.  

And in that space where you will dwell,  

You will say, “My soul is well.” 

And God did save you from the fire, 

In peace and love, His true desire. 

The heavens are a place to ponder,

And on this rock, we often wonder.

Here on Earth, my room is small, 

But friends invited one and all! 

What will it be when I get there? 

Spacious rooms with more to spare!

The Tongue

Words can be a wondrous thing when used in care while suffering. 

But people show at times contempt, and with harsh words their love exempt.  

The Bible says, “Like poison strong!” a weapon formed in sin is wrong.  

And when we curse instead of bless,

We step outside of righteousness. 

The words go in like swords that thrust,

And then you know it’s who you trust.

It’s in yourself and in your pain, 

You stay entrenched and in your lane. 

You’re so engrossed with plans to hurt, 

The words that sting and can’t convert.

People to Christ should be the goal

To use your words and win a soul.   

On the Mountain

There are days I feel so low, 

You’re on the mountain, 

I’m below.

I’m in the valley, 

Are you there?

But in my mind, “Do you still care?” 

With days that feel like I might die, 

With pain so deep,

Please hear my cry!  

My heart is pulled from here to there,

Please anchor me with strength to spare. 

Your promises are always true,

I excavate my heart for You. 

You knock to see if I’m still there,

And then I know that, “Yes, You care! 

And then I’m pulled out of the pit,

But far below,

That’s where You sit. 

You’re in the valley and above,

And in both places show Your love! 


There is an everlasting joy that lights the way so sweet,

And in the morning there You are, and that is where we meet. 

I read Your words tenaciously with gratitude and thanks,

Your work of grace PLUS on my part is last that’s where it ranks.  

It’s joy,

I feel it every day no matter what the issue,

And when I feel some kind of cloud, 

I needn’t grab a tissue. 

The overriding thing that’s real is that the joy replaces,

A stormy cloud, unwanted strife, 

That’s what my heart embraces! 


Love with an Exception

Do you see the ants below and the flies above?

And little gnats so small in rank, you know you cannot love. 

We cannot know why God creates these little situations, 

They do annoy and we employ to rid the infestations. 

But when you take a closer look to see what God intended,

All souls are planned, and on this land, their lives are not suspended. 

It’s a thing I cannot bring my mind to comprehend,

Why did God choose to make a bug I can’t befriend? 

He says, “My ways are higher than your ways.” that much I know.

But when these little bugs get big, annoyance sure does grow! 

Sometimes I take a harder look to see that they are worthy, 

But the only thing I find is little bugs are earthy. 

What does this mean? They are not clean, and that I find disgusting.

But I know that God is good, contrary is mistrusting. 

He makes these guys, cause in His eyes, creation is creative,

I draw and paint, is that not quaint? We both are demonstrative.

So now I see what circles me, the fly that will not stop. 

His life is short, glad to report, and soon he’s gonna drop! 

The furry friend, I do attend, lives in my house invited. 

But the ones that wriggle in, the cat sure is delighted.  

“Oh no!” I think, "It cannot be! My cat will eat it up!"

And then I run to save its life and put it in a cup. 

And with great care, I take it there, and at the door, he'll see.

It's then I know that I can show a bug that will be free. 

The Sick Bed

Some days I’m well, some days I’m sick,

The elemental truth.

I hope it’s quick, and does the trick, 

Prayers said from my own youth. 

“Now I lay me down to sleep” was all I really knew. 

But when I opened up my heart, communication grew. 

And now that I am at this age, continuing to ask, 

The LORD for health, that is my wealth. Is this a simple task? 

But possibly, He buffets me, to keep me in His grace.

And the pride, that can arise, will stay in its own place.   

When Christ’s disciples walked the Earth, they were never sure, that healing was a guarantee, that only God could cure.  

I’ve faced the days when sickness stays for what seems like forever.

And then I’d pray, “Please don’t delay!” in every good endeavor. God is the consummate great healer, in His perfect ways. 

I must be ready for the wait, it could be many days. 

Be not anxious, just be calm, it is just a marathon. 

It’s not a sprint, a vast blueprint, an otherworldly dawn. 

The Enemy

A subtle voice was all I’d hear with every passing day. 

I’d read His words with eyes so clear but ears that seemed to say, 

“You’re doing this all wrong, my dear, so please pay full attention. You need to work your spirit hard, I guess I didn’t mention.” 

What is this? it’s just not there, in His Word I know. 

The Enemy sowed in my ear - a seed of doubt might grow. 

Will this preclude me from God’s grace for knowing not His Word? 

It’s the daily bread I need and also is my sword! 

So I took up my sword so dear and thrust it in with force,

The devil pushing back at me, his lies the only source. 

“Get behind me!” I did shout, with strength I recognized. The Spirit gave me truth so real, I was not compromised. 

Then I knew that I was free in every single way. 

I knew the truth so real and clear and here I am to say,

“Do not doubt, and do not fear, you’re not like sinking sand. You’re on the Rock, it keeps you strong, and that is where you’ll land.” 

The Wall 

Do you listen to the LORD when you take a look, 

Deep inside His ordered world in your one Guidebook? 

This one Book is all you need to understand it all, 

So please don’t think you’re on the brink of scaling a new wall. 

On this side of the wall is safety and protection, 

But when you’re on the other side, you show a sad rejection. 

Your chosen side hides deep inside an enemy who’s strong, and stands against the LORD you need cause all his ways are wrong! 

My mind is still and ordered here but on your side a riot, 

You’ll want to be where I am now - peaceful, loved, and quiet. 

When you think, “I’m somewhere good.” you’re suddenly mistaken, cause the one who’s by your side has your heart a quakin!  

“What is this?” you’ll admit, “It’s not what I had wanted. The enemy is right on me as if I had been hunted!” 

Your heart is racing, anticipating all the woes ahead.

It’s not too late to make it straight, you’re still alive not dead.

So you debate, and concentrate on the task at hand, to put away the enemy into the Father’s hand.   

Consider the Lilles 

 Consider the lilies, how they grow,

They neither toil nor spin. 

The faith I place in Christ the LORD 

Is the field I’m in.  

If kings and queens in all their glory 

Come second to this flower,

When in FAITH we are arrayed 

And cloaked in care this hour. 

Inner beauty, 

That’s incredible, 

And shines so bright,

And indelible. 

Comes only from God’s gracious heart, 

Christ’s own reflection,

Godly art! 


Time marches on to never come again.

How you choose to handle it is often not a friend. 

You dilly here, you dally there, 

Spinning wheels without a care.  

As the clock is moving quickly, 

Wasted time then you feel sickly. 

You need a resource wise and true, 

To help you see your time anew. 

If you dig into God’s Word, 

What you’ll find is much preferred! 

The light you’ll see, he’ll provide, 

And from the dark, time cannot hide!

He wants us all to walk in wisdom, 

And to outsiders show His kingdom. 

No one knows about tomorrow,

Productive time brings no sorrow

Come to the Table

Come to the table one and all, 

And hear the divine Gospel call. 

Have ears to hear and eyes to see,

The table is ready, the banquet is free! 

It matters not the color of skin nor does it matter the sin within. 

When you repent to the LORD and give Him your heart, the work of God’s grace is His loving part. 

Jesus’ love covers the world.

The cross, death, and life, God’s mystery unfurled. 

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